Butt Implants, Hip Implants, Liposuction, Tummy Tuck Specialist Plastic Surgeon Manhattan NYC

From Butt Implants (and Butt Implant Corrections / Revisions), Hip Implants, Liposuction, to Tummy Tucks – the Manhattan, NYC Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Douglas Senderoff is known as best in class.

As a patient of Dr. Senderoff, you have access to our Manhattan NYC state-of-the-art surgery center (and medi-spa), so you can relax and focus on your procedure, and avoid long hospital wait times and excessive paperwork. The cosmetic procedures performed at our practice allow patients to return home the same day of surgery. The highly sought after board certified plastic surgeon uses a careful combination of art, science, and aesthetics to deliver natural-looking results that reflect the desires of our patients. 

Please Note: The Manhattan NYC Plastic Surgeon offers free in-person or virtual consultations

“Dr Senderoff is a plastic surgery genius. I went in for butt implants and hip implants plastic surgery. I hated being naked with my partner because it was such an eye sore. Not only is that nightmare gone but my butt implants and hip implants are gorgeous and look 100% natural!!!!!. I am loving this body. I now love being in this body. I have read some people’s review that say Dr Senderoff has a cold bedside manner. That wasn’t my experience but I’m not looking for a best friend only the best plastic surgeon and he proved himself to be the best.” ~ Vitals 

The Manhattan based board certified plastic surgeon offers the following surgical and non-surgical procedures: 

During your complimentary consultation, you will discuss your surgical / non-surgical goals with the plastic surgeon, where you will have ample time to ask any and all questions you may have. Dr. Senderoff will then explain the procedure(s) in full and perform a review of your medical history to determine you are a candidate for the desired procedure. 

Please note: The best in class board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Douglas M. Senderoff, offers in-person and virtual consultations (from anywhere in the world). 

For more information or a complimentary plastic surgery consultation please feel free to contact the NYC  Plastic Surgeon, Douglas M. Senderoff, MD, FACS, today by phoning 212-481-3939.

Dr. Douglas Senderoff
461 Park Avenue South, 7th Floor
New York, New York 10016
(212) 481-3939